Saturday 11-10-07 I was on the wheels of steel @ Macys @ Easton. It was live, several people rolled up wanting me to spend gigs in Akron, Cincy, Toledo, & several Ohio locations. Elijah Young, was in the house the owner of Young University. His company shows young people how to start a new business. Young University is also the sponsor for the 14th annual BHB4U.COM HIP HOP EXPO. Catch BHB, Jai Carey & Flow Spitta @ High Five friday 11-23 with Omnibreed 10pm. BHB will also be spinnin the hits between the acts all night I will see you there. Hip Hop Expo tickets only $5 @ the show on the 23rd. Peace, BHB4U.COM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Posted by BHB at 7:13 AM